10 High-Intensity exercises to burn belly fat.


In today’s busy life, along with increasing body weight, belly fat has become a common problem due to which most people are troubled by the problem of weight. It not only spoils our looks but it also helps in spoiling the overall health of our body. If you are thinking that only using a diet plan is enough to reduce belly fat and your body will become fit, then let me tell you that along with using a diet plan, exercising is also very important. If you also want to reduce your belly fat, then you should include some high-intensity exercises along with your diet routine.

If you really want to reduce your fat, then this blog is for you. In which we will tell you about 10 high-intensity exercises which will also speed up the metabolism in your body and will prove helpful in the process of burning your belly fat.

What are high-intensity exercises?

High-intensity exercises (HIIT – High-Intensity Interval Training) This workout is a workout process in which a lot of energy is spent in a short time. And in this, different muscles of the body are activated which burn more calories.

10 High-Intensity exercises to burn belly fat.

Even after finishing this exercise, it keeps burning calories for a long time, due to which the fat loss process is accelerated. Therefore, high-intensity exercises are considered to be the most effective in burning belly fat quickly.

10 High-Intensity Exercises That Burn Belly Fat Fast

1. Burpees Exercise

Burpees exercise is a full body workout that is very effective in burning maximum calories in our body and reducing weight. Do this exercise at least 10-15 times daily according to your physical capacity.

How to do it?

  1. Stand with your legs straight.
  2. Place both hands on the ground and come into a push-up position.
  3. Move both feet back and come into a plank position.
  4. Then immediately do a pushup.
  5. Bring the feet back in and jump.

Benefits :~

  • Activates the muscles of the whole body.
  • Helps burn belly fat fast.
  • Burns calories by increasing your heart rate.

2. Mountain Climbers Exercise

This is a great high intensity exercise that improves your abdominal muscles. Do this exercise for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute. It helps a lot in reducing your belly fat.

How to do?

  1. Come into push-up position.
  2. Bend one leg from the knee and bring it up towards the chest.
  3. Keep changing the leg rapidly, as if climbing a mountain.

Benefits :~

  • Reduces stomach and core muscles rapidly.
  • Helps in increasing stamina and burning fat.

3. Jumping Jacks Exercise

Jumping jacks is a simple but very effective cardio exercise that helps in keeping your whole body active. Do it for at least 1-2 minutes. It also improves your heart health.

10 High-Intensity exercises to burn belly fat.

How to do?

  1. Stand straight and keep your feet together.
  2. Jump while raising your hands and spread your legs.
  3. Then come back to the normal position.

Benefits :~

  • Burns the fat of the whole body rapidly.
  • Burns more calories by increasing the heart rate.

4. Squat Jumps Exercise

This exercise increases your muscle endurance and keeps you healthy from heart disease. It helps in reducing your overall body weight as well as reducing belly fat.

How to do?

  1. Keep both your feet at shoulder width.
  2. Do squat exercise and then jump upwards.
  3. After landing, do squat again.

Benefits :~

  • This is a great exercise to burn belly fat quickly.
  • This exercise tones your muscles and speeds up metabolism.

5. Plank Jacks Exercise

This is a simple but high impact cardio exercise that starts with plank exercise and ends by jumping like jumping jacks. It strengthens the core muscles and increases the heart rate.

How to do?

  1. First of all, come into plank position.
  2. Move legs in and out quickly.
  3. Do this continuously for at least 30 seconds according to your capacity.

Benefits :~

  • Effective in reducing stomach, waist and thigh fat.
  • Increases core strength.
  • Increases heart rate.

6. High Knees Running Exercise

High knee run exercise also proves to be very helpful in reducing belly fat, which is a good exercise without any equipment. Do this exercise continuously for at least 1 minute.

How to do?

  1. Stand straight and run in one place.
  2. Whenever one leg rises up, touch it with the other hand.
  3. Keep moving the knees up and down rapidly.

Benefits :~

  • Burns calories fast.
  • Helps in burning belly fat fast.

7. Kettlebell Swing Exercise

This is a high impact workout that helps in toning the whole body, due to which calories are burned fast and reduces your belly fat.

10 High-Intensity exercises to burn belly fat.

How to do?

  1. Hold the kettlebell with both hands.
  2. Bend the knees and take the kettlebell downwards.
  3. Swing it upwards quickly.
  4. Continue doing it according to your ability.

Benefits :~

  • It boosts fat burning.
  • Makes the core and lower body stronger.

8. Jump Rope Exercise

This workout helps in reducing your belly fat quickly which keeps your whole body healthy.

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight and hold the rope with both hands.
  2. Jump with both feet together.
  3. Continue this continuously for 1-2 minutes.

Benefits :~

  • Reduces body fat rapidly.
  • Cardio increases your fitness.

9. Battle Rope Exercise

This high intensity workout is done with the help of thick ropes which further increases muscle strength and body fitness. This battle ropes exercise is also known as gym ropes.

How to do it?

  1. Hold both ends of the rope with both hands.
  2. Bend the knees slightly and move the rope up and down quickly.
  3. Continue doing this workout for at least 1-2 minutes according to your capacity.

Benefits :~

  • It burns calories fast.
  • Increases body strength and stamina.

10. Sprinting Exercise

This workout keeps the whole body healthy and also burns more calories due to which belly fat also reduces.

10 High-Intensity exercises to burn belly fat.

How to do it?

  1. Run fast in an open space.
  2. Stop at small intervals and then start running again.
  3. Do this round continuously for 2 to 3 minutes.

Benefits :~

  • Helps in burning belly fat fast by increasing metabolism.
  • Increases stamina and muscle strength.

Tips to get more out of high-intensity exercise

  1. Warm up :~ 5-10 minutes of warm up is very important to avoid injury, so do warm-up workouts.
  2. Use the right technique :~ Wrong exercise can cause injury, so try to use the right technique as much as possible.
  3. Stay hydrated :~ Excessive sweating can lead to dehydration, so drink enough water and keep the body hydrated.
  4. Pay attention to diet :~ A healthy diet will lead to faster fat loss, so along with exercising, pay attention to the diet plan as well.
  5. Exercise regularly :~ To keep the body healthy, do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.


Doing high-intensity exercises is very effective in reducing belly fat. This exercise not only burns calories but also increases metabolism in your body. By doing the above mentioned 10 high-intensity exercises regularly, you can reduce your belly fat rapidly. Also, to do these exercises, it is also important to consume a balanced diet and adequate water so that your body can recover faster. Include these exercises in your daily routine and get better results.

By reading this blog, you must have got information about the right exercises to reduce belly fat. Which is more beneficial for your body, so adopt it from today and make your body and life better.

Burn Belly Fat FAQs :~

What workout equipment burns the most belly fat?

If you want to burn belly fat quickly, some workout equipment can be beneficial for you. The most effective equipment include treadmill, stationary bicycle, battle rope, kettlebell, jump rope and rowing machine. This workout equipment supports high-intensity and helps in burning calories faster. Additionally, ab roller and medicine ball are considered best for strengthening core muscles and reducing belly fat. Their use with proper diet and regular exercise helps in rapid fat loss.

Is 30 minutes of HIIT a day enough to lose weight?

Yes, 30 minutes of HIIT exercise can be enough for you to lose weight, but it depends on your diet plan, metabolism and lifestyle. HIIT workout burns calories faster and keeps the fat burning process active even after exercise. If you do HIIT exercise even 4-5 days a week and follow a healthy diet, it will help in losing weight. Also, combining it with cardio and strength training can provide even better results. Because consistency and balanced diet play the most important role in weight reduction.

How long does it take to lose 10 pounds with HIIT?

Losing 10 pounds with HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) exercise typically takes 4 to 8 weeks, but it depends on your diet plan, metabolism, and workout intensity. If you do HIIT exercises 4-5 days a week and follow a healthy calorie deficit diet, fat loss will happen faster. HIIT also speeds up post-workout fat burn by increasing metabolism, thereby speeding up the weight loss process. With consistent hard work and a proper diet, you can see good results within a few weeks.

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