What Are The Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Weight Loss?


The best weight lifting exercise for weight loss is a great way. About which people often think because for weight loss, only cardio exercises such as rope jumping, push-up, running, cycling, etc. are not enough, because weight lifting exercise not only helps your body to tone but also increases metabolism, so that you burn more calories. Also, doing this strengthens your body’s muscles. The body fat decreases, due to which the weight of your body is reduced rapidly.

In this blog, we will know what are the best weight lifting exercises for weight loss and how to do them. Which will be very beneficial for your body and will help reduce your weight.

Why is weight lifting exercise necessary for weight loss?

For weight loss, it is important to exercise weight lifting because it not only makes your muscles strong but it also increases the metabolism of your body. When you exercise weight lifting for weight loss, your muscles require energy, for which the body burns fat. In addition, by lifting weight lifting, your body continues to burn calories for a long time, which is called “Afterburn Effect”.

The best weight lifting exercise for weight loss

1. Squats exercise

    Squats are one of the most effective weight lifting exercises for weight loss. Which not only makes your feet and gluts strong, but also helps to keep the entire body active. Exercise squats burn your calories and accelerate metabolism.

    What Are The Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Weight Loss?

    How to do:

    • Place both your legs on the shoulder width.
    • Stand both your hands straight and spread it on the front or place it on your waist.
    • Try to sit downwards while bending the knees, as if you are sitting on a chair.

    Keep in mind, that your knees do not go beyond the toes. Then come back to the initial position.


    • These exercises are most important for legs and hips.
    • It strengthens the large muscles of the body, which increases metabolism.
    • Squats exercise causes calorie burn and your body is tone.

    2. Deadlift exercise

      Deadlift is an excellent exercise that helps a lot in your weight loss. This exercise makes your back, shoulders, legs and core muscles strong. Deleting and reduces your body fat to burn your calories.

      How to do:

      • Keep both your legs in the shoulder width.
      • Bend your knees, bending downwards and holding dumbbells or barbages with both hands.
      • Try to increase the dumbbell by clarifying your waist.

      Keep in mind, that your back remains straightforward. Then keep the weight back on the ground slowly.


      • This exercise is beneficial for the whole body.
      • It makes the muscles of the back, leg and core strong.
      • It is beneficial in burning excessive amounts of calories.

      3. Bench Press Exercise

        The bench press is an effective upper body weight lifting exercise that strengthens your chest, shoulders, and triceps. This exercise not only tones your muscles but also helps burn calories in your body.

        How to do:

        • Lie down on the bench and keep your legs hanging on the floor.
        • Hold the barbell tightly with both your hands and lift it above the chest.
        • Slowly bring the barbell down towards the chest and then push it up.
        • Initially, do it at least 4-5 times.

        Keep in mind, your shoulder and core muscles stay activated.


        • This is a great exercise to strengthen the chest, triceps, and shoulders.
        • It strengthens your muscles and burns fat.

        4. Lunge Exercise

          The lunge is a great weight lifting exercise for weight loss that strengthens your legs and glutes in a better way. Also, this exercise helps you lose weight as it uses multiple muscles, thus burning more calories and reducing your body weight.

          What Are The Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Weight Loss?

          How to do it:

          • Stand straight and place both hands on your waist.
          • Extend one leg forward and bend the knee of the other leg.
          • Let the back leg almost touch the ground.
          • Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
          • Do this at least 7-8 times initially.

          Keep in mind, your front knee does not go beyond the toes of the other foot.


          • This exercise tones your legs and hips.
          • It burns a lot of calories and strengthens the body.

          5. Overhead Press Exercise

            Overhead press is an effective weight lifting exercise for weight loss which strengthens your shoulders, triceps and core muscles. This exercise helps in your weight loss because many muscles are used in this exercise.

            How to do:

            • Stand straight and hold the barbell and bring it to shoulder level.
            • Push the barbell upwards until your arms are completely straight.
            • In the beginning, do this three to four times according to your ability.
            • Then try to slowly bring the barbell back to shoulder level.

            Keep in mind, that your core muscles remain active.


            • Your core muscles and shoulders become stronger than before.
            • Your body’s strength to lift more weight also increases.

            6. Bent-Over Row Exercise

              Bent-over row is a great shoulder as well as strength training exercise that strengthens your back, shoulders, strains and biceps. This exercise helps a lot in reducing your weight because it uses many muscles.

              How to do:

              • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. And bend both knees slightly.
              • Lean forward and hold the barbell or dumbbell tightly with both hands.
              • Pull the barbell or dumbbell towards your stomach and then slowly bring it down.
              • Continue doing this 8-10 times according to your ability.

              Keep in mind, that your back should be straight and your knees should be slightly bent.


              • It also strengthens your shoulders, muscles and strength.
              • It also helps a lot in reducing body weight.

              7. Clean and Jerk Exercise

                Clean and Jerk is an advanced weight lifting exercise for weight loss which keeps the whole body active. This exercise helps in reducing body fat weight because many muscles are used in this workout process and more calories are burnt in your body.

                What Are The Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Weight Loss?

                How to do:

                • Place the barbell on the ground and hold it tightly with both your hands.
                • Pull the barbell upwards with your strength and bring it to shoulder level.
                • Then push the barbell upwards until both your hands are completely straight.

                Keep in mind, that your core muscles remain active. So that you can complete your weight lifting process easily.


                • This is an advanced weight lifting process to reduce your weight which reduces the weight of the whole body.
                • It affects your muscles and also helps in strengthening them.

                Additional benefits of weight lifting for weight loss

                1. Increases metabolism :~ Doing weight lifting exercises increases your body’s metabolism, which makes you burn more calories and makes your body healthy.
                2. Strengthens muscles :~ Doing weight lifting workouts strengthens your muscles and tones your body.
                3. Burns fat :~ Doing weight lifting exercises builds muscles in your body. Due to which your body fat is reduced.
                4. Strengthens bones :~ Doing weight lifting strengthens your bones and reduces the risk of diseases like osteoporosis.
                5. Improves mental health :~ Doing weight lifting reduces mental stress and improves your mental health.

                Things to keep in mind while doing weight lifting exercises for weight loss

                1. Correct form :~ It is very important to take care of the correct form while doing weight lifting exercises. Because doing the wrong form can cause injury.
                2. Warm up :~ Do not forget to warm up before doing weight lifting. Because warming up warms up the muscles and reduces the risk of injury.
                3. Balanced diet :~ Along with doing weight lifting exercises for weight loss, it is also important to follow a balanced diet. In which protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats are appropriate.
                4. Rest :~ It is very important to give rest to the body after doing weight lifting exercises for weight loss. This gives time to the muscles in your body to recover.


                Let me tell you that weight lifting exercises are a very effective process for weight loss. It not only helps you burn fat, but it also tones and strengthens your body. Weight lifting exercises for weight loss include deadlifts, squats, bench press, shoulder press, lunges and other weight lifting exercises which speed up your metabolism, which helps you lose weight quickly.

                If you include weight lifting exercises in your workout routine along with proper diet and rest, you will get quick and great results to stay healthy. So don’t delay now and make weight lifting exercises a part of your fitness journey to reduce your body weight.

                Weight Lifting Exercises For Weight Loss FAQs :~

                Weight lifting exercises for weight loss female.

                Best Weight Lifting Exercises for Women to Lose Weight
                Weight lifting exercises for women are a very effective way to lose weight and tone the body. Some of the effective exercises include squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, shoulder press and kettlebell swings. These exercises not only burn calories but also speed up metabolism by building muscles. To achieve this, start with light weights and increase the weight gradually. Also, take care of the right diet plan and adequate rest, so that you can see better results in your body. Weight lifting can not only make women slim but also make them strong and fit.

                Weight lifting exercises for weight loss at home.

                Weight Lifting Exercises to Lose Weight at Home

                If you want to do weight lifting exercises to lose weight at home, then you will need dumbbells or kettlebells. By using this, you can reduce your weight. Below are some effective exercises:

                1. Goblet Squat :~ This weight lifting exercise reduces the fat of your legs and hips.
                2. Dumbbell Deadlift :~ This exercise tones your entire body.
                3. Shoulder Press :~ Doing this strengthens the shoulders and arms.
                4. Lunges :~ Language exercise increases your leg strength.
                5. Bent-Over Row :~ Bent-over row exercises are beneficial for your back and biceps.

                Do these exercises with the right form and follow high-intensity workouts and the right diet plan for better results.

                Can I lose weight by lifting weights only?

                Yes, weight can be lost just by weight lifting exercises, but it depends on your diet plan and lifestyle. Weight lifting strengthens muscles and speeds up metabolism, allowing the body to burn more calories, even at rest. However, it is more effective to combine it with a balanced diet and light cardio workout (like walking or cycling) to get better and faster results. Therefore, if you want to lose weight by weight lifting alone, it is important to maintain the right diet and consistency.

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