Today, women have become much more conscious about their health and fitness than before. Whereas let me tell you that to stay fit and healthy, not only cardio workout but also strength training is necessary. Because strength training is very beneficial for women, this training not only helps in weight loss and toning the body, but also makes you fit and self-reliant by making your bones and muscles stronger.
You want to lose your body weight but if you are not able to find time or means to go to the gym, then starting strength training at home can be a great option for you. In this article we will tell you how you can start an effective strength training plan at home without any expensive equipment.
What does strength training mean?
Strength training, also called weight training or resistance training, is a cardio exercise that uses resistance to make your muscles stronger through equipment. This resistance can be provided with the help of dumbbells, resistance bands, body weight, or any other equipment. Because of which your muscles become stronger.
Benefits of strength training for women :~
- Strengthens bones :~ As the age increases, the bones of women become weak. And the risk of diseases also increases, so strength training exercises help prevent diseases like osteoporosis by strengthening bones.
- Speed up metabolism :~ This workout develops muscles, due to which your body’s metabolism speeds up and you burn calories faster.
- Tones the body :~ Strength training tones the muscles in your body, which makes your body look slim and attractive.
- Increases physical and mental strength :~ This exercise not only strengthens your body, but also increases self-confidence and reduces your mental stress.
- Flexibility and balance :~ Doing regular strength training improves your body’s flexibility and balance.
Guide to Starting Strength Training at Home
1. Determine your goals :~
You need to be clear about your goals before starting strength training at home. Objectives like do you want to lose weight? Do you want to strengthen muscles? Or just want to stay fit? When your goal is clearly defined, you will be able to plan your exercises properly.
2. Choose the right place and time :~
Choose a place to train at home where you get enough space and peace. Choose a time to workout at home when you can dedicate yourself completely. Morning or evening time is most important for this work.
3. Arrange the initial equipment :~
You do not need expensive equipment to start strength training at home. I am telling you the names of some simple equipment which can be very important for you.
- Dumbbells :~ Dumbbells weighing 1-5 pounds are enough for the beginner level.
- Resistance Bands :~ This lightweight and affordable piece of equipment makes your strength training more effective.
- Yoga Mat :~ This yoga mat provides you with a comfortable surface while exercising.
- Weight alternatives :~ If you don’t have dumbbells available, you can use water bottles or books.
Beginner’s plan for strength training at home
1. Bodyweight Squats Exercise
How to do :~
- Stand and place both your feet at shoulder width.
- Slowly bend your knees and bend down, as if you are sitting on a chair.
- Keep your back straight and then lift up.
- Do this 4 to 5 times in the beginning and then increase as per your capacity.
Benefits :~ Strengthens your thighs, hips, and core muscles.
2. Push-Ups Exercise

How to do :~
- Lie on your stomach and place both your hands below your shoulders on the flat ground.
- Lower your body by bending your elbows and then lift it up.
- Do this 4 to 5 times in the beginning and then increase as per your capacity.
Benefits :~ It strengthens the muscles of your chest, shoulders and arms.
3. Plank Exercise

How to do :~
- Lie on your stomach on a flat surface and raise your body with the help of your elbows and toes.
- Keep your body straight and tighten your stomach muscles.
Benefits :~ It tones your core muscles and reduces abdominal fat.
4. Lunges Exercise
How to do :~
- Step one leg forward and squat down, bending the knees.
- Get up slowly using the same leg.
- Repeat with other foot.
- Continue doing this 3 to 4 times as per your capacity.
Benefit :~ It strengthens your thighs and hips.
5. Bicep Curls Exercise

How to do :~
- Take dumbbells in both hands.
- Bend your hands and bring the dumbbells towards your shoulders and then lower them.
- Continue doing this 6 to 7 times as per your capacity.
Benefits :~ It tones the muscles of your arms.
Common mistakes in strength training and ways to avoid them
Not doing warm-up :~ Before doing strength training, do warm-up for at least 5-10 minutes.
Wrong Position :~ Always follow the correct technique for strength training.
Hurrying :~ Do every exercise slowly and with control.
Lifting excessive weight :~ Use light weight while starting your workout and increase the weight gradually.
Importance of right diet with strength training
To take full advantage of strength training, it is important to eat a balanced diet. It works well in your diet.
Protein :~ Eat lentils, eggs, cheese and chicken for muscle repair and growth. Because it has high amount of protein.
Carbohydrate :~ Eat oats, brown rice and fruits to give energy to the body.
Fiber :~ Eat green vegetables and fruits to digest food well.
Hydration :~ Drink plenty of water during or after exercise to keep your body hydrated.
Tips to keep strength training routine at home
1. Make small goals :~ Make a new and small goal every week and accomplish them. After completing this goal, make a new goal again and complete it too.
2. Make an exercise schedule :~ Make a schedule and complete this routine before exercising.
3. Track progress :~ Write down or take pictures of the progress you see in your body as you exercise.
4. Work out with friends :~ Work out with your friends as this will keep you interested and motivated.
5. Take help of music :~ Listen to your favorite music and do your workout. By doing this, working out will be fun.
Starting strength training workouts at home can be a great way for women to stay fit and healthy. It not only strengthens your body better, but it also improves your mental health. So don’t wait anymore. Make your home your fitness center and start your strength training journey from today itself. With the right plan, right diet and regularity, you will definitely achieve your fitness goals.
“How Can Women Start Strength Training at Home?“. The answer to this question is now available to you. Just take action and make your health a priority.
Strength Training At Home FAQs :~
Strength training at home without equipment?
Strength training workouts can be easy and effective to do at home without any equipment. You can incorporate body weight exercises like squats, push-ups, lunges, and planks into your routine. These exercises help in strengthening your muscles and toning the body. In the beginning do 10-12 times and 2-3 sets. You can also use furniture, such as a chair, for chair dips. Also, don’t forget to warm-up before and stretch after your workout. Exercising regularly will give you better results.
Strength training at home without equipment for beginners?
It can be easy and effective to start strength training at home without equipment. So beginners can start with bodyweight exercises, like:
Push-ups: This exercise to strengthen the chest, arms and shoulders.
1. Plank :~ To increase core muscles and abdominal strength.
2. Squats :~ To tone thighs and hips.
3. Lunges :~ To improve the balance of legs and body.
Do these exercises 3-4 times a week, and gradually increase as per your capacity. With proper form and consistency, you can get great results even without any equipment.
Strength training at home?
There is no need to go to the gym to start strength training at home. You can use bodyweight exercises, such as squats, push-ups, planks, and lunges, to reduce your overall body weight. If you have dumbbells or resistance bands, these may be even more helpful. Follow correct technique during exercise and do light workouts in the beginning. Do warm-up and stretching before and after workout every day. Maintain regularity in exercising and include protein, fiber and carbohydrates in your diet.